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Estudiantes de Habla Española Estudiando (ESL) en el Internet


Durante la decada pasada, las personas de habla hispana de España, America del Sur, Centro America y el Caribe han dado un brinco a la tecnologia mas reciente. Los telefonos celulares han reemplazado una gran parte del correo regular, brindandoles una mejor forma de comunicacion a un costo mas bajo. Los parrafos que siguen, delinean algunas de las posibilidades para la enseñanza del Ingles a travez del internet ahora disponibles para paises como Argentina, Chile o Mexico.

La tecnologia moderna ofrece a los estudiantes del Ingles nuevas posibilidades educacionales. Pueden estudiar el Ingles u otras materias a travez del interenet. Esto significa que pueden seguir trabajando en un empleo rentable y limitar a su vez el numero de cursos que toman al año, ahorrando dinero al vivir en casa e inscribirse en mas de una escuela o universidad. Debido a la necesidad universal para la enseñanza del Ingles, estos cursos en el internet estan disponibles en cada pais desde Panama al Peru, desde Costa Rica al Ecuador o de Venezuela a El Salvador.

Spanish Speaking Students Studying ESL Online

During the past decade the Spanish speaking people of Spain, South America, Central America and the Caribbean have jumped to the latest technology. Cell phones have replaced most of the regular mail, providing them with better communication at a lower cost. The paragraphs below outline some of the online ESL possibilities available to countries such as Argentina, Chile or Mexico.

Learning English

Learning English

The advantages of this new fast communication are extensive for all the people, but perhaps they offer the greatest advantages to students who need to work part-time. They may have no choice in their hours of work – they will likely be required to be on the job at times set by their employer. For these students, the online courses offered on the Internet provide a wide range of possibilities.

Online courses allow students to take only one, two or three courses at a time. It also gives the students the choice of taking courses from more than one source. If there is a required course that isn’t presently available, there is always the likelihood that it will be offered the next year. More and more educational institutions are accepting credits achieved elsewhere.

Online English

Online English

No matter what area of study a Spanish speaking student chooses, fluency in the English language is a big advantage if not a necessity. Many employers require fluency in English. There are many online easily affordable English second language courses. They are usually in colorful video format with interactive conversations, written exercises and Spanish vocabulary translations. Students can review the videos as often as required, complete work in a printable workbook and check their progress with self-marking tests.

Modern technology offers ESL students new educational possibilities. They can study ESL or other subjects online. This means that they can work at a paying job, limit the number courses taken each year, save money by living at home and register in more than one college or university. As ESL is needed everywhere, these online courses are available in every country from Panama to Peru – Costa Rica to Ecuador or from Venezuela to El Salvador.

Our curriculum is in use in more than 75 countries around the world.

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